watch true blood season 2 episode 9

True Blood Season 2 Episode 9. True Blood has captivated the hearts of millions of people around the world not only in the United States. True Blood Season 2 Episode 9 will be airing on August 16, 2009 and truly this episode is being anticipated. The title of True Blood Season 2 Episode 9 is "I will Rise Up". Yes, the coming installment of True Blood will significantly brings all the viewers to watch intently.

True Blood Season 2 Episode 9 is all about A wounded Eric taking advantage of Sookie's good nature and plays her for a sucker. Later, Sookie and Jason bond over their adventures. Lafayette and Lettie Mae try to figure out a way to save their kin from Maryann's clutches. Jailed by Bud along with a group of Bon Temps revelers, Sam tries to set himself free and avoid Maryann. In Dallas, Eric and the vampires are floored by Godric's decision to take the fall for their disastrous PR.